For life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Get Help


Who is in your support group and who is on your side? To whom do you speak on a regular basis that has your back and who can hold you accountable, lift you up, or just listen to you?

We cannot do this alone. Start today to develop a group of people who have your best interests at heart, who will tell you what you NEED to hear (rather than what you want to hear), and who will hold you accountable.

People WANT to help you. You just have to ask. Don't be afraid. Get out there right now and get this group together, and watch your life transform!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Feeding Your Mind

What are you doing to feed your mind these days?

We need to find our mind as often, or more, than we feed our bodies. Most importantly, we need to control what we think about. This becomes much easier if we feed our minds good, healthy food. We need to surround ourselves with positive people who share our values and goals and who want to see us succeed. There are people out there that will feel bad about themselves if we succeed, so they will try to sabotage what we do. To combat this, daily, and often, feed your brain, your mind, on GOOD things.

Have you checked out the videos on this blog yet? They are filled with some of the greatest leaders of our time. They can inspire you, motivate you, and kick your butt when you need it.

What are you reading these days? Is it the paper, a magazine, or a book? Read every day, but read things that will nourish you, teach you, and build you up.

What are you watching? How much time do you spend in front of the television set? Turn it off!! They don't call it an idiot box for no reason. Truly nourish yourself.  Find something better.

To what do you listen? Are you generally tuning into angry music or music that inspires you? Does it bring your turmoil or peace? The music to which you listen will affect how you feel, and ultimately affect what you choose to do.

So make one new change each day to nourish your brain. You will be so glad you did. And you will soon see amazing results!