For life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice...

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Share your story

 CRILES, Rehabilitation Reentry Program

If you have an interesting story you want to tell about an experience in lockup, or about someone you know who is incarcerated and want to share a thought - CRILES, is looking for true testimonials to publish in its articles, newsletters, and social media streams.
To set up your 1 on 1 interview, please email Mr. Gwyndell B. DeClerck at or call (785) 693-0131. Your story may save the life of someone on the wrong path!

CRILES, REHABILITATION REENTRY PROGRAM is an Official IBSA, Inc. program, funded by it's own pledged members. Based in Topeka, KS, IBSA is a veteran training/service provider working with low-income youth, adults, single-parents, ex-offenders and startup entrepreneurs. For more information visit

Pennsylvania DOC Launches Interactive Map to Connect Individuals to Reentry Services

People returning home from prison in Pennsylvania have a new resource to help them find the reentry services they need throughout the state’s 67 counties. The Interactive Reentry Services Map—launched in September 2014 by the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections (PDOC)—allows users to search for service providers, resources, and other assistance in their communities with the click of a mouse.

Click here to learn more: