For life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice...

Sunday, October 29, 2017

What Are You Doing?

Greetings! It's fall and fall symbolizes a time for change. So thinking about change, wanted to put out the question, what are you doing?

What are you thinking about and what changes do you need to make in your life to take it to the next level? Do you need to start doing something or stop doing something that is affecting your success or productivity? Today is a great day to take inventory. You could start by making a list of what is working in your life right now. Then take a moment to celebrate your successes! Yes, do it!! You deserve to feel good about what is working well in your life. Then, make a list of what is not working so well. Beside each one, write a possible change or solution to that concern. But don't stop there, now figure out how to implement that change. Seek help or an accountability partner if you need to and don't stop working on the concern until you are satisfied with the change you have made.

We all need to take inventory from time to time. Life is a work in progress and each one of us is either moving forward or staying stuck where we are. Don't stay stuck. Don't settle. Keep working every day to become a better you. You deserve it and so do the ones you love!!  

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Great Read - a True Story That Offers Hope

I got a copy of Shaka Senghor's book, Writing my Wrongs, for Christmas. I just could not put it down! What an amazing and insightful story of his journey into the drug trade, incarceration, faith, hope, and redemption.  I highly recommend reading his book, listening to his Ted Talk, and going to his website to learn more. 

Helping Others

Sometimes the realities of dealing with a loved one who is incarcerated or watching what is happening to those around us can be overwhelming. There are many organizations out there who can offer help and hope. The internet is full of resources, as well as local non-profits and faith-based organizations.  Reach out today.