There are a lot of reasons and issues that will be tossed at us to tell us to give up. Sometimes it seems like all the signs are there. But it's when you think that there is no reason to keep trying that you must try again.
There will always be people who don't understand you, your situation, your choices, and your desires. The main thing to keep in mind is what YOU want and who YOU are! You do not need to be defined by a mistake.
Not long ago I watched "Eat Pray Love" with Julia Roberts. There is a scene where people are sitting around the dinner table sharing their "one word" that they think describes themselves. Julia Roberts says, "Writer." Her friend says, "That's what you do. It's not who you are."
Who you are is what is on the inside of you. It's your values, your personality, it's what makes you tick. Show the world how amazing you are, believe that good things are possible, and then live your dream!
There will always be people who don't understand you, your situation, your choices, and your desires. The main thing to keep in mind is what YOU want and who YOU are! You do not need to be defined by a mistake.
Not long ago I watched "Eat Pray Love" with Julia Roberts. There is a scene where people are sitting around the dinner table sharing their "one word" that they think describes themselves. Julia Roberts says, "Writer." Her friend says, "That's what you do. It's not who you are."
Who you are is what is on the inside of you. It's your values, your personality, it's what makes you tick. Show the world how amazing you are, believe that good things are possible, and then live your dream!