For life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Letters of Recommendation

Getting a job these days is tough; even tougher if you have a record. One way to move yourself up in the interviewing process is to have letters of recommendation.

Who have you worked for or worked with who has liked your work? A boss, a co-worker, a friend, an associate, your church, a customer, a volunteer activity... They would all qualify to provide a letter of recommendation for you.

How do you get one? Just ask!! Start by asking your references to provide one for you.  Once you do this, expand to asking others in your network to help you. If you ask, be sure to tell them what qualities, skills, or issues you would like them to address in the letter. Be prepared, though. Sometimes they want you to write it for them and they will sign off on it.

Once you have done this initially, be sure to do it on a regular basis. Ask those you work for and work with to write one for you. Ask satistified customers, etc to write one. You will be amazed at how many people will be glad to help you with this!!

Finally, keep all these letters in an attractive portfolio of some kind. You can use a narrow binder, report cover, or the like. It is also good to use sheet protectors to keep them clean and safe from the elements, such as spilled coffee!

Good luck and happy job hunting!!

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