For life, liberty, and the pursuit of justice...

Monday, December 30, 2013

New Year 2014

Well, it's that time of year again. Some of us come to the end of a year with happiness and others with sadness because things didn't go as planned or as hoped. Typically, I dread this time of year. Sometimes it is hard to find hope when there is evidence all around you not to have it. But I challenge you to have it anyway!

I challenge you to find a theme for 2014. What is the ONE THING that you can focus on all year that will make all the difference in where you are now and where you will be 12 months from now? Just one thing. That's it. Focus on one. We can all do that.

Each year I have been picking a word for the year to help me in this endeavor. For 2011 it was LIVE. For 2012 it was DANCE (as in, "life isn't about waiting for the storms to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain").  For 2013 it was ACCEPT (as in "In acceptance lieth peace").  I'm still working on 2014 but I think it's going to be something about letting go.

Life never turns out the way we hope or plan. It's just too messy to do so. All we can do is our very best in each and every moment that presents itself. That's it.

So find your word, your phrase, or your one thing that you can do this year to make it better than before. Go ahead. What have you got to lose? 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Summit focuses on jobs for ex-inmates

RISE Program Helps the Formerly Incarcerated Find Jobs

EEOC Challenges Three Companies for Inappropriate Use of Criminal Records in Employment Decisions

Monday, September 9, 2013

Thank you for Reading

Thank you for checking out this blog. It is my passion to help those who have made mistakes. We've ALL made them. Please consider sharing the information you find on here or sending me feedback on how I can make this more useful. The more that can benefit and find new ideas and ways to success, the better.

Wall Street Journal Discusses Background Checks

Interesting article on the use of background checks and the need to eliminate "the box" from job applications. 

I really appreciate his closing comment:  What we need to do is take a closer look at how we use the word "criminal" and what it really means. Otherwise millions of qualified Americans will be disqualified before they even apply.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dig Deep

Dig deep and find your own way. I am learning that no one is going to hold out their hand to show you the way or to help you up; that I must learn to do it all by myself.  People may offer a kind word now and then, and that IS wonderful, but truly, people have their own lives and issues to address and don't have time to really offer something to someone else. Don't be disappointed.

True significance, meaning, joy, happiness, contentment, or whatever you seek is WITHIN not without. Nothing will ever make you happy until you learn to make yourself happy, until you learn to accept what is, and learn to let go of what you cannot change. The world, and ourselves, are imperfect. Pain happens. Problems happen. It is our response to it that matters and we cannot respond appropriately until we heal from within and make ourselves whole.

So how do we do that? I wish I had the magical answer for you and we would all be magically fixed. I have no answer. I am on my own journey at the moment. Losing my job in December has destroyed me and I am learning to start over and rebuild. Problem is, I don't know what the end is so I don't know how to work backwards to get there.

Here's to us! Here is to all the brave and bold people like me trying to figure it out alone. May answers come. May they be clear and obvious. May we accept them when they show.

All my best to you on your journey!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Post on Dear Abby

I came across this post on Dear Abby today:

DEAR ABBY: I'm a 50-year-old man who is serving time for robbery in West Virginia. Every day I wake up acting as if I am in control and don't have a care in the world. The truth is, I'm scared, lonely and feel totally helpless. All my life I have lived on the dark side of the street, taking for granted the values in life and the love so many people tried to give me.

Two failed marriages and several relationships with good women are over because of my determination to follow an unhealthy dream, not to mention all the friends I have lost as well.

Now as I look around me, there's no one there. No one to love and no one to love me. I never knew until now that chasing that dream would cost me everyone I ever loved.

I know I have made bad choices in life. I deserve the time for the crime I committed. But am I also sentenced to a world of loneliness? Can I ever be loved again and be happy after all the wrong I have done? Is there someone out there who would be willing to give me a chance? Is it too late to start over?

Like Martin Luther, I have a dream. I have a dream where people are not judged for the rest of their lives by the bad mistakes they have made. They get to do their time and move on. I have a dream where doors are opened and not closed to them. Where they can live where they want to, be with whomevever they want to, and get a job where they are qualified.

But our society is harsh and unforgiving. Who of us hasn't made a mistake and wish he could take it back? Who of us doesn't wish we could make amends if we've hurt someone?

We have no right to withhold life from someone who has broken the law.  People deserve second changes. And people shouldn't have to write letters like this to Dear Abby because society is so harsh. Wake up! Look in the mirror. He who is without sin can cast the first stone.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Don't Give Up

There are a lot of reasons and issues that will be tossed at us to tell us to give up. Sometimes it seems like all the signs are there. But it's when you think that there is no reason to keep trying that you must try again.

There will always be people who don't understand you, your situation, your choices, and your desires. The main thing to keep in mind is what YOU want and who YOU are! You do not need to be defined by a mistake.

Not long ago I watched "Eat Pray Love" with Julia Roberts. There is a scene where people are sitting around the dinner table sharing their "one word" that they think describes themselves. Julia Roberts says, "Writer." Her friend says, "That's what you do. It's not who you are."

Who you are is what is on the inside of you. It's your values, your personality, it's what makes you tick. Show the world how amazing you are, believe that good things  are possible, and then live your dream!

Friday, January 18, 2013

Get Help


Who is in your support group and who is on your side? To whom do you speak on a regular basis that has your back and who can hold you accountable, lift you up, or just listen to you?

We cannot do this alone. Start today to develop a group of people who have your best interests at heart, who will tell you what you NEED to hear (rather than what you want to hear), and who will hold you accountable.

People WANT to help you. You just have to ask. Don't be afraid. Get out there right now and get this group together, and watch your life transform!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Feeding Your Mind

What are you doing to feed your mind these days?

We need to find our mind as often, or more, than we feed our bodies. Most importantly, we need to control what we think about. This becomes much easier if we feed our minds good, healthy food. We need to surround ourselves with positive people who share our values and goals and who want to see us succeed. There are people out there that will feel bad about themselves if we succeed, so they will try to sabotage what we do. To combat this, daily, and often, feed your brain, your mind, on GOOD things.

Have you checked out the videos on this blog yet? They are filled with some of the greatest leaders of our time. They can inspire you, motivate you, and kick your butt when you need it.

What are you reading these days? Is it the paper, a magazine, or a book? Read every day, but read things that will nourish you, teach you, and build you up.

What are you watching? How much time do you spend in front of the television set? Turn it off!! They don't call it an idiot box for no reason. Truly nourish yourself.  Find something better.

To what do you listen? Are you generally tuning into angry music or music that inspires you? Does it bring your turmoil or peace? The music to which you listen will affect how you feel, and ultimately affect what you choose to do.

So make one new change each day to nourish your brain. You will be so glad you did. And you will soon see amazing results!